No stress, no noise, no exhaust fumes. Brandenberg is the perfect place to rest from everyday- and work stress. Because priorities are set differently here. Also with us at the Ascherwirt inn.
In the panorama click and drag mous to the desired direction! Fullscreen
Enjoying life to the fullest is in our region at the top. And for the period of your stay, we want to convey this to our guests. Relaxing walks under the evening sky, comfy conversations on the terrace, a relaxing afternoon in the adjoining Kramsacher lake area, absolute tranquility at night and Tyrolean delicacies … these are our means against everyday difficulties and hurdles.
- Brandenberg – Guffert
- Wanderast in Blumenwiese
- Abendstimmung
- Urlaub am Bauernhof
- Small Talk
- Brandenberg Panoramablick
- Blick auf den Rofan
- Blick auf den Gratlspitz
Visit us at the Ascherwirt inn and get to know our life style!